Friday, December 23, 2005

Back into poker with a fresh start...

After taking a break from poker for a while due to losing my bank roll, I decide to get back into the grind.

Yesterday, I enter the Boulevard casino (coquitlam, BC) and head over to the $1/$2 NL tables. I begin the night playing tight as I usually do, get a feel for the table, getting nothing but garbage dealt to me. Finally after much waiting I get AK suited dealt to me on the button. The pot had already been raised by UTG for $12, so I prop it up to $40. UTG calls me and the flop comes A 7 6… He bets out $30, I raise it to $60, and he calls. Turn is a J, he checks, I go all in, and he calls… he flips over A 2, and it is looking really good for me, until the river card which was a 2. That’s poker I guess... all you can do at that point is get on with the next hand, or leave if you’ve had enough… So I reloaded another $200.

After about 3 hours of playing tight and getting paid on some monsters, I’m sitting at around $500 in chips. I get dealt K Q offsuit in middle position… and UTG has raised it to $15, so I call and we’re heads up. This girl next to me motions to see my cards… So being the nice guy I showed it to her. Flop comes KQ 7… UTG checks, I bet out $25, UTG calls… turn card is a Q, UTG checks, and I bet out $20, and UTG folds… I didn’t think any of it at the time but later on I found out that the girl next to me was best friends with UTG. The pieces hadn’t fit then, another hand comes by where I have a junk hand on the button into a raised pot of $8 times 5 players… So I employ the squeeze play and bump it to $40… I get one caller (the ex UTG girl)… Flop is A 9 2, and she checks…The girl next to me motions to see my cards again and since I hadn’t looked at it yet, I flipped it up high enough so both of us could see it.. it was Q 3 offsuit. There was a flush draw on the board so I thought it was odd that she checked. So I bet out $45… She calls me.. Turn card is a blank, and I bet out $100, I get another call.. river card is an Ace, and I bet out $75 ( a small enticing bet to pretend like I had the ace )… She calls and shows over Q 9… Every single person at the table is now looking at her, and she voluntarily says “I had a feeling he was bluffing”. Let this be a lesson, DON’T SHOW YOUR CARDS TO ANYONE. I got my revenge later on though; I got dealt AK spades in the big blind, there was a raise in middle position for $8, and 3 more callers, so I raise it to $23… this girl and another person call me. Three way action and the flop is Qs 10d 2s, so I’ve got a nice looking draw. I bet out $15, they both call me since I’ve got a very aggressive image at the table. Turn card is a 4s giving me the nut flush, and I check, and right on cue the girl next to me motions to see my cards… So I showed her *just* the Ace of spades. And this guy bets $15, the girl calls, and I go ahead and raise it another $30 making it $45 total… only the girl calls me and it is heads up. Now river card is blank… and I think about this for a while, and bet out $200… The girl instantly calls me… I just look over at her relishing this moment (I’m immature I know..) and she thinking that I was bluffing shows over K 10 for just a pair of 10’s… I show over the nut hand and take down a sweet pot… I made some more donkey plays towards the 8 AM mark since I had been playing for about 12 hours now and decided to just leave with about $700 in front of me… so about $300 profit for the night.


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