Sunday, December 25, 2005

Wow I am addicted…

You know you’re addicted to poker when you’re at the casino playing poker on Christmas. So here I’m at the $1/$2 table again and on the button I pick up 9 8 suited… I go ahead and raise it up to $12 (nice pot builder raise into an un-raised pot) and I get two callers.

Flop is 9 J 5...

and both check to me, and I lead out and bet $30, only one person calls me. Turn card is a 7, and he checks and I check. River card is an 8, and he bets $50, I think about it for a while and *just* call him. He right away says “you got me… “… so I showed my hand, and he says “Oh my god!, nice river buddy.. look at this guy!.. I had Ace Jack! This is SAD”.. So I ask him to show it since I called him, and he throws his hand into the muck refusing to show… He may have in fact had A J, but he played his hand like he was on a draw… quite passively played in my opinion.

A bunch of hands go by and I pick up pocket 8’s on the button and make a small raise of $12… One guy calls me...

the flop is 6 5 2 …

he checks, and I bet $25… he calls me instantly… The turn card is a J, but he’s already got his chips in the hand and fires $25… Now this looks incredibly suspicious to me of two pair ( 6 5 ), and I call hoping to hit an 8 or counterfeit the board. River card is a 9, and he already had his money lined up and pushes in $50… I now know for sure he has two pair, his half sized pot bet, plus the fact that people love to play suited connecters like 6 5 even if someone has raised. So I tell him “6’s and 5’s are good…) and I fold… and he shows over 6 5 suited… Even though I lost money on that hand, I am glad I didn’t play an over pair too aggressively on the flop and wind up losing a hell of a lot more. 2 hours later I leave… up $200, and my 3rd winning session in a row.


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