Friday, December 30, 2005

Tricky play – Last resort.

So I’m at $1/$2 NL again and I’ve been at this table for half an hour with no god damn cards, and I finally look down at AK offsuit in middle position… not a great hand, but it’ll do.. I raise it to $17… and everyone folds…

Great.. I won a $7 pot…

Enough was enough… I waited till I was on the button and got Q 4 offsuit, about 5 people limped in, and I raised it to $23… everyone folds, hehe one guy tells me that he’s “close to calling me if his kicker was high enough..” *okay buddy*.. and I flip over my cards to earn a little disrespect…

Another round goes by and I’ve not picked up a decent hand, I’m in the small blind and I pick up 7 5 suited, and the pot was raised to $8 by UTG, and there were about 4 callers… I raise it $40 more, and everyone folds… I flip over my hand again and hopefully earned a great deal of disrespect on that hand. One guy tells me “nice one… don’t worry, the next time you raise, I’ll fold…”.. *punk*…. Anyhow I’m about 100 up from a few hands here and there and a couple blinds steal here and there… When I look down at A 4 offsuit one off the button… I normally don’t get involved with these types of hands for fear of being out kicked… But I was bored so I saw the flop with three others…

flop is A A K…

Early position bets $20 (indicating a K)… one guy calls him, and now I’ve got that sick feeling of being out kicked again… I wasn’t worried about the guy that bets $20 into a pot that had about $8 in it… but why did this other guy flat call him?.. I had to find out so I raised it to $60…

Original raiser calls, and this other guy calls ( but only has $40 left )… I’m now not sure what to think… turn card is a J… and early position guy checks.. the other guy goes all in.. and I go all in to boot Mr. King out… and he folds.. and the other guy had J 10… My hand held up and I leave $260 ahead… not bad for a night with crap cards. I am starting to really like the squeeze play, it seems to be a low risk play since it works most of the time…


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