Saturday, January 14, 2006

Sharks are all at higher limits?

Well after waiting for about an hour for the stupid $1/$2 table to open up, I find myself still 20th on the waiting list. I had enough of waiting and put my name up for $3/$6 and quickly got a seat. I was pretty nervous since this was higher limit for me, and I wasn’t in the mood to be dealing with sharks. I wasn’t gonna try anything fancy… just waited for a hand… after 20 mins I get dealt A K offsuit in the SB… 7 people have limped into this pot and its down to me… I raise it to $56, and 5 people call me… WTF??

Flop is K 7 4… and I go all in for around $250 (I had only bought in for $300) more… and everyone except some idiot calls me down I think with a weak king.. turn card is an ace.. and river is a blank… and I take down a decent pot… I get no hands for an hour after that and I leave being $295 up… It was just a shock to me to have people at 3/6 play so god damn stupidly… guess higher limits doesn’t really mean higher level of play…. Oh well, 6 wins in a row.


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