Saturday, February 25, 2006

Tsk tsk… Anger is not good for the health….

So after a month and a half break from the casino, I find myself at the $1/$2 table again, this time an extremely tight table where only 3 or 4 people max are in the pot at any given point… I know how to play a table like this, be aggressive and earn disrespect whenever I can… My third hand into the game I get dealt A K offsuit on the button, and I raise it to $17… one guy calls me…

Flop is 10 3 7 all clubs..

and I have the king of clubs… He checks it to me… and I check behind him… another club falls (9 of clubs) and he bets $20… I reraise it to $50 to see where I’m at … he calls me… Now I’m very sure he has a flush, but is it the Q or the Ace?...river card is a blank and he goes all in for $104…Now here everything is going well, I’m thinking he clearly has the ace of clubs, since

A) he called my raise preflop.

B) this is a really tight table and he wouldn’t over play the queen high flush like this…

And so I’m thinking of folding when I do something incredibly stupid, I look down at my hand again and say to myself… “No, I can’t fold the king high flush” and I basically ignore the fundamental question that I had already answered… “What hand can I beat here? And what is the probability he has that hand with the way this hand has been played?”… And I call him.. He says “Unless you got the 6 8 of clubs, you’re dead”… and shows over the ace of clubs Q of diamonds… Serves me right for ignoring the logical part of my brain completely… Its all good, I refill my stack another $150 to bring it back upto $200… Play pretty tight and I’m soon upto $300 ish…

I’m on the button now and I look down and see Q 7 (hearts)… pretty junky hand, but since it’s a tight table and I’m on the button, I raise it to $12… The big blind calls me…

Flop is A 9 5 all hearts…

BB checks, and even though I flopped the queen high flush I bet into it not letting the king of hearts draw for cheap.. I bet $15… BB calls me indicating she maybe on a draw to the king high flush… turn is a blank, and she bets $30 into me… Right away I put her on an ace, maybe even A 9… So I raise it to $60, and she reluctantly calls… river card is of no help to anyone, and she checks… Now I’m putting her on AJ – AK since she seems worried here… How to extract the most amount? I think about it for a while, and decide to bet big and make it seem as though I was chasing for the fourth flush card and am now buying the pot. So I grab a random stack plus a little more (didn’t even count) and threw it in an intimidating fashion (dealer count indicated it was $125)... She thinks for a while and calls… I show her the bad news, she had AK… and I win a sweet pot… Now her husband comes over from another table and asks her what happened, and then looks at me and says:

Angry Husband: You raised with Q 7????

Me: umm… yep.

Angry Husband (yells): KEEP playing like that.. KEEP PLAYING like that buddy!.. You’ll lose all your chips eventually.. Q 7.. jeez…

Me: umm.. thankyou?..

Well, yes I was being a little coy, but how the heck should I respond here?... I mean do these people get the concept of button raises?... Anyhow I’m about ready to leave, and I get dealt AA on the button, and I raise it to $17… one guy (possibly tired of me bullying the table) raises it to $40.. I go ahead and put him all in for his remaining $53… he says “I’m sure you’ve got Aces or Kings, but I call”.. he had KQ offsuit… hmm, if he put me on kings, he is a 9 to 1 dog, and if he put me on Aces he’s about a 4.5 to 1 dog… so I don’t get the call even if he was short stacked… The flop comes K J Q… He’s got a big smile on his face… turn card is a blank.. and river card is a 10… giving me a straight… He yells “Oh my god, look at how lucky this guy gets? Nice river”… Well what can I say?... I put him all in preflop, rest is history… I leave the table up $315 and chalk this one up to an eventful night.


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