Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Poker at Electronic Arts

Wow talk about tight players... I lost virtually every coin-flip situation and still managed to come in 6th out of 15... I think that is an impressive enough feat considering I barely got any cards the whole night (not one pocket pair higher than 7's).

I firmly believe the next time I play I should be able to score first or second atleast... Don't get me wrong, the players were for the most part tight and played reasonably well... but I noticed a lot of:

- Calling large bets preflop with semi decent hands and then getting in trouble.
- Unwillingness to protect top pair when there are dangerous draws on the board.
- Giving free cards when the draws are plenty and all they have is top pair.

Oh well, the only odd thing was, these were mistakes made by the top standing players of this poker group. I'm not going to be too judgemental too soon however, there might be method in their madness... Next week we shall see where each of us stand.... I for one can't wait!


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