Saturday, March 18, 2006

Denial leads to acceptence and a loss

Wow, the dream is dead... oh well, I had a decent run, 8 wins in a row... can't win em all... especially not tonight. Getting drawn out so many times, and never catching a card after that. I was at a weird table though, at first some are loose and some are tight, then everyone is tight again... By the end I was done, I got beat today, no excuses...

Denial is a funny thing... The only time I got good hands were the hands that I either didn't connect on the flop at all, or I got outflopped or out drawn... I made a few donkey plays through out the night tho... like one hand the flop is all clubs.. I have the 10 high club draw... and I bet out just *hoping* the flush draws would go away ... but the problem is why would they?... I've played better than this... But after getting beat so many times, I still was hoping that my cards would get better... instead that stack kept getting smaller... I have to work on the whole patience thing tho, because I was playing a bit recklessly at one point due to frustration over my bad luck. I think they call that *tilt*... something I should be so beyond...

It's funny though, no matter how straight forward you play... when things just don't go your way... you start to feel as though you could not play any dumber... Guess everyone's a genius when they get the cards, or when they gain momentum when their plays workout...

Net result: -$382 ... Time to regroup and make sure the next time I play, I play more focussed. Game is a game, it is ok to lose... The better man is the one that knows when he's beat and walks away.


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