Friday, March 24, 2006

I wish I lived in richmond...

Ah what a crappy day today, useless cleanup tasks at work... The end of the day is near and I've already gotten word that my deadbeat friends aren't interested in poker this week again... *gee what a shock!*

So as I'm about to call it a day, a co-worker invites me to go play with them at River rock... There was no arm twisting required...

Crappy start at the tables, I raised my usual positional raise with 9 10 suited (raise of $25... into a pot full of limpers ).. Got called by A 7... flop comes an ace, and he checks and I take a stab at it with a bet of $30.. he called me ofcourse.. turn is a blank... *check check*... river is a blank.. he checked to me indicating possible mid pair... so I threw in a bet of $40.. (nice tasty bet on a stone cold bluff).. and got called.. oh well.. down $95 just like that... but earned a fair bit of disrespect from that guy...

Another hand goes by and I've got 9 8 suited... I limp in..

flop is 7 Q 8...

everyone checks... turn is a 4... everyone checks.. river is an 8... and one guy bets $10... theres a call... What should I do?..

I'm thinking, the guy that called clearly has a marginal hand, but what about this peculiar raise of $10... I thought about it and decided that re-raising here would be out of the question since a Q will prolly chuck his hand away, and probably wouldn't have bet the river... so I *just* called... original raiser turns over a straight and I pat myself on the back for losing the minimum with a set.

I played tight, and got paid off on a couple hands... hehe one hand I got paid by the guy I originally bluffed at.. he re-raised me with mid pair thinking I was upto no good.. haha.. *sucker* I called him with my top pair...

I'm getting ready to leave (some $220 up), just waiting till the big blind comes to me, and what do I get dealt in third position... *American Airlines*...

UTG (the guy who doesn't respect my raises anymore) raised the pot to $5... what a stupid raise... so I reply with "umm, times 5"... and throw in $25... everyone else folds, and this guy calls with possibly a connector of some sort...

Flop is 9 8 K ( no flush draw )...

He bets $30... "times 3" I say and I threw in $90.. he only had $75 left and *just calls* the $60 that it was to him... so I threw in $15 into the pot blind, and turn is a deuce.. he's sick about it and throws in the remaining $15... I show him the rockets and the river was a Q followed by a muck from him...

Net result: +$364...

Man I really do miss playing at River rock, I get paid playing hands straightforwardly... People at boulevard casino are getting better unfortunately, and it is hurting my profit potential... Sadly I live in surrey and not richmond...


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