Sunday, March 19, 2006

Online poker sucks...

I was reminded today as to why I quit online poker a couple months back... It's mid level in a $30 buyin tourney and I've got KK.. and I'm second in chip stack at the table with $5600 in chips. I'm in late position and I raise to $1000 (blinds are 100/200)... I get called by Mr. Big stack (8190 in chips)...

flop comes 3 9 5 (paint)..

he bets 1000.. I go all in.. and he calls... shows 3 2 of hearts (with no flush draw on the board)... river brings him his 2 and he wins and I'm knocked out.. just like that... Where's the justice?... Anyhow just lost a player for life... I was up like $100 there and submitted a cashout.. I would have liked to make more since players there for the most part suck shit... however I'm going to take this as an early warning sign that live poker is the only way to go for me... Players in live poker atleast have some shame... Guess shame is not a word online since we're all just avatars... behind a dollar amount... behind an internet IP... behind a firewall... and lastly behind a monitor.


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