Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Round II EA superstars invitationals....

Well, kinda a crappy start... got out flopped, didn't catch a flop, bla bla bla... Oh well I tightened up and managed to make it to the final table...

There's three of us left, and I'm bullying the table and wind up 2nd in chips... I get dealt A 4 on the button... Why stop bullying right?...

"All in"...

Ace deuce calls me and the flop has a 2... and I'm returned $150 in chips since I had him covered barely.. Oh well, I got lucky one hand that night as well so I'm cool with going out third... Sucks that I won't be part of the final table of champions ($40 buyin)... Oh well, the next season starts two weeks from now and I'm psyched... Haha, another reason for why it was a good move to leave my old game company... People at EA know how to have fun...


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